Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Effects of Globalization in Turkey - 1009 Words

Turkey Culture People all over the world are seeing and feeling the effects of globalization in their day to day lives. Rapid development in technology and high speed communication has made the technology change harder for some developing countries to cope with. Turkey is one of the many countries that is taking this change the hardest, especially in the last 20 years, as a result of mayhem they have been enduring. Turkey has been experiencing all of this instability more severely than any other European country. Here, I will evaluate the recent advances in Turkey, as well as the effects globalization has had on them, and argue the adverse effect globalizations has on Turkey. Economic globalization in Turkey is weakening the authority. The Turkish debate the concept that national development is an issue. By creating a â€Å"borderless global marketplace† (Turkey, 2013), it creates a rise to local reactions, which are carving the way to different modernity’s as well as cultural identity claims (2013). In order to analyze the interactions of the global and the local, one must visualize a democratically changed world. In the last decade, the Turkish have taken on many changes socially, economically and politically. Politically, Turkey has encountered many fundamental changes. â€Å"Political Islam† has become one of the key elements in defining of the Turkish politics. This was also the start of the period that is now branded by polarization between secularism and Islamic traditionalismShow MoreRelated Global Opportunities for Turkey Essay1583 Words   |  7 PagesOpportunities for Turkey The world is becoming much more connected, especially in the last few decades. The idea of being free individuals has become more important, as well as free market economies. 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If we would continue the trajectory, both countries would converge and probably exchange their paths. It is possible because, according to the latest data in the World Bank, GDP annual growth averaged is bigger in Nigeria (6.3%) than in Turkey (2.9%), although Turkey has a higher GDP (see appendix D). Figure 2: Nigeria and Turkey’s

Monday, December 9, 2019

Checkpoint free essay sample

There are many presentation tools available in the marketplace. Their price ranges from low to high. The more the tool has to offer, the more expensive. I chose to review the top three presentations tools in the marketplace Microsoft PowerPoint, SoftMaker Presentations, and Corel Presentations. Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most popular and cost-effective presentation tools today. This tool was developed to be used in conjunction with other Microsoft Office tools such as, Word, Excel, Outlook, etc. There are templates and tools provided that help you create the perfect accompaniment to your presentations (2012). Microsoft PowerPoint is available on PCs and Mac computers. There is even a mobile application for all Windows 7 Smartphones. This application allows its users to edit and send files while away from their desktop or laptop computers. One could say that it has improved and streamlined their business life. Microsoft PowerPoint can range from $79. 99 to 9. He does not like sympathy during these emotional times. Frequently he behaves like he is depressed. During these depression episodes he tends to stay by himself. He has a difficulty understanding and subsequently remembering material taught in class. NOTES: He lacks interest in the classroom and often-times he is sent to the principal’s office for bad behavior. He does not keep friend for lengthy periods of time. He is physically aggressive and very emotional, even about seemingly innocuous things. Frequently he behaves like he is depressed. During these depression episodes he tends to stay by himself. Tommy’s academic studies are in decline. EBD is Correct! Tommy is physically aggressive, does not follow instructions, likes to keep to himself, is always nervous, and has difficulty interacting with his peers. Effective Practices that might work for Tommy †¢ Give him his own work and compliment him in public for work well done. †¢ Try to communicate with him at some level and make every effort to make the communication a positive experience. †¢ Give Tommy special help with his intellectual studies, e. g. , abbreviated homework, classmate mentoring, and selected decision points. †¢ Put Tommy on a reward system, based on his achievement. Assign a behavioral therapist to Tommy. Jacob Perales is struggling at school. This is his third year in first grade. He is unable to understand material presented in class which due in part to his total lack of focus. His organizational skills are nonexistent. During any lesson he has a hard time finding the appropriate materials at his desk. That is because his desk is a total mess. Jacob’s attention wanders from classroom activities, especially during unusual school occurrences. His homework assignments contain numerous small errors. In addition he simply can’t follow any of the assignment rubrics. When the  teacher asks questions in class, rather than waiting for the question to be finished, Jacob yells out the answer. He is always in motion and can’t stay in one place for very long. Jacob is also quite garrulous. Overlaying all of this is the fact that his behavior makes it difficult to develop close relationships with the other students. Notes: This is Ja cob’s third year in first grade. He is unable to understand class material, and his attention wanders. His organizational skills are nonexistent. He is always in motion and is an impediment to normal classroom activities. Jacob is falling far short of normal academic metrics ADHD is correct! Jacob is reckless and lacks focus on classroom activities. His attention easily wanders from the lessons at hand. He is always in motion and can’t sit still. Effective Practices that might work for Jacob †¢ Help Jacob unlearn reckless behavior †¢ Create rubrics that are easy to understand †¢ Create logical behavioral strategies to improve Jacob’s behavior. These should include strict punishments and satisfying rewards for bad and good behavior respectively †¢ If instructions are kept to, give Jacob strong encouragement †¢ Put Jacob on a reward system, based on his achievement Stephanie Rocha loves to interact with her second grade classmates. During class she communicates with her peers. Often times this communication is in the form of written notes. She gets caught passing notes frequently and she is punished appropriately. This behavior is ongoing which means that she is not a rule follower. She does not pay attention to the lessons at hand because her attention is taken up in communicating with her peers. Stephanie does not like to work. She is unable to either keep her desk clean or turn in homework assignments within reasonable time frames. Friendship comes easily to her, but it is usually short lived. Notes: Stephanie loves to interact with classmates but she is not a rule follower. She does not focus on lessons at hand, she does not like to work and her desk is a mess. Friendship comes easy but it does not last. No Exceptionality is Correct! Stephanie’s behavior is not consistent with ADHD or EBD. Communicating with peers during class, lack of focus, and rule breaking are well within the range of normal youth behaviors. Effective practices that might work for Stephanie: †¢ Positive reinforcement for proper behavior †¢ †¢ †¢ Reiterate class directives frequently. Remind her of consequences for not following the directives. Proximity teaching with respect to organizational and social areas. Get Stephanie’s parents involved in rule reinforcement. When it comes to identifying the disabilities of ADHD and EBD was a little difficult to identify the differences in the actions of the children. Any child can have a hard time staying organized and can get disruptive at times. Some children may not have any disability and they may literally bounce off the walls at times. The thoughts that helped me come to the conclusion of the childrens disabilities was that they were on going and it did not seem to get better and they went further in school. The grades were a big indication for me to. Their grades started out good and then sliding consistently was something that really stood out to me. The child that had neither one of the disabilities had some of the signs that the other two children had and yet her grades were good and seemed to stay on a good trend or at least steady. I thought to myself that children are going to be children and they are not going to have the patience level we would like them to or the common sense to express their energy at certin times. They are going to be unorganized and mouthy and even disruptive but for most children this is an occasional thing that they seem to get better at and learn from their experiences. The children with the disabilities will tend to not learn as quickly and it may seem to happen more frequently. The disabilities of EBD and ADHD can be difficult to identify and define because there are many different signs that come with the children and they are different with each child. The children express their issues or disabilities in different ways and at different times. This makes the disabilities harder to define and identify. It sometimes is difficult to label children as having ADHD or EBD by simply observing their behaviors. For example it is well within the realm of normal for children not to pay attention in class, or to fight with other students. Some children have so much energy that they may not be able to sit quietly in their seats during class. This is also within normal behavior limits. In light of these difficulties how do we diagnose ADHD or EBD? One requirement is that the bad behaviors must be ongoing over long periods of time. In addition there is no improvement in behavior over this time frame. Another requirement is falling grades. In Stephanie’s case she shared some of the bad behaviors that Jacob or Tommy had. However, unlike Jacob or Tommy her grades were steady. She was not labeled as being either ADHD or EBD. All of this speaks to the fact that children will be children. The typically are not willing to wait, they do not have sense to see the obvious, and they have no experience to gauge their expression appropriately. Most children are not well organized, they do talk back, and they can often times disturb an otherwise peaceful situation. Bottom line, most normal children will iron out these difficulties as time goes on. For ADHD and EBD this is not the case. It just takes time to notice these differences. So ADHD and EBD are problems that are not easy to see. The behavioral symptoms are similar to those of young children who have not matured. Furthermore the behaviors span a wide range depending on the child. The behaviors also occur at different time points. So in the early stages it is not easy to label ABHD and EBD children. Time is the key, most children mature, the ADHD and EBD children do not. Once identified intervention must be applied immediately.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Within the course of Chinese painting. Part II Essay Example For Students

Within the course of Chinese painting. Part II Essay Design a series of modern flower and bird paintings as posters divided into 6 main categories of bird and color identity with specific hotel branding, part II Essay Within the course of Chinese painting, there are main three subjects that have been landscapes, flowers-and-birds and figures. Here going to talk about how flower and bird painting develop to the signify subject in Chinese painting, the view of its influence and social status within the whole Chinese history and finally will be about flower and bird painting in today. As Flowers-and-birds were popular categories in paintings in ancient China even until todays contemporary art, where it is offering kind of unique aesthetic netters The name Of flowers-and-birds over flowers, birds, fish and insects (E ; huh, onion, yÃ'Ëœ, chi ¶Eng), with its board term used in a wide range of natural topics which actually including flowers, bamboo, trees(plant), fruit, animal, insects, fish, pets and etc. Before being an independent school of paintings, flower-and-birds is developed rather late than others subjects paintings (figure and landscapes), which originated in Tang Dynasty and raised its maturity at the end of the Tang and Five Dynasties period. The flow to such genre painting initially regarding as ornamental pattern for daily objects, then become symbolic, metaphoric and allegorical elements in the background outfitter or landscape paintings and finally establish as a independent genre art that flower and bird painting as separated unique theme within main Chinese painting subjects. We will write a custom essay on Within the course of Chinese painting. Part II specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now To discuss about how birds-and-flower painting becomes a signify category in Chinese Painting, lets analysis its growth within Chinese paintings. From traditional Chinese paintings turns to the date of the Neolithic age which around six thousands years ago, the elements of human face expression, deer, frog and sis indicates that Chinese Start the painting as far as the Neolithic age. Under the change of time and social conditions from primitive to modern times can reveal the importance Of painting and history in between. The habitations, nature and habits Of the human being in the ancient China gives birth to people to think and live and sharpen the Chinese painters and in turn to promote the development into art. Living with full of animals in the environment of nature, people start to have production with animals and the plants such as hunting grazing animals, agriculture and etc. What more, people also create he spirit to worship the nature because they start to have religion and faith with the nature and living objects likes the animals of four great Quarters (Sheen, singling, queue, Guam), myths and legend with gaining more fortune to their elite. The strong visual impact emphasize the red cliff paintings which contain scenes of sacrificial rites, production activities, wars, hunting, animal grazing, dancing and daily life recorded on the rock and wall as beginning development towards flower and bird painting later. At first, the cliff and rock painting before paper was invented, the art of silk minting was developing from the Buddhism to China from India, the carvings and temple produced to ensure the art of painting religious murals gained the possibility of paintings. Flowers and birds in colors and pattern serve as a decoration character on early objects could be seen first in Warring States (7th-4th centuries B. C) period that there are patterns of flowers and birds on pottery and bronze vessels, phoenix paintings on silk. Therefore, this was the early indication of the Chinches people interest in such themes from recording life and spreading the spirit Of religion, myths and legend for fortune. While the flowers and birds are previously associated chiefly with figure paintings and Buddhist art, came into its own category as a separate branch of painting in the Five Dynasties. From the painting of Chou Fang, named Beauties wearing flowers, Tang Dynasty, proved that the figure painting with flower and bird theme inside and flower and bird only as a foil to the main theme as figure, landscape and Buddhist art. .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 , .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 .postImageUrl , .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 , .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4:hover , .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4:visited , .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4:active { border:0!important; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4:active , .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4 .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue6e92b5be9c0afb41c9d358182df35d4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ejti Stih De Fernandez De Cordova EssayThis is a simple and plain with slowly development for the flower-and-bird painting where serving as symbolic, metaphoric and allegorical elements in the background of other subjects painting. Horse painting in Five Dynasties period like Archer on a horse by Lie Chuan, ink and color on silk; Eight Noblemen on a spring excursion by Zoo Yen; Evening view over stream and mountains by Dong Yuan; And in pre-Tang and Tang Dynasty figure painting, Han Cans painting like Two horse and a Groom, the horse can be able to symbolize the mood of the human fugues depicted, the characters seldom directly look at each other. Also, the animals and tree they sit beside or with the birds surround the figures or landscape paintings is definitely the essential tags and stepping stone to become once unique theme about flower and bird since their symbolic role can be observed in the context. Turning to have further development and the crucial era, the five dynasties period is undoubtedly a period for shaping the style and technique Of flower and bird paintings, especially the representative painter, Human Quant, his painting of Rare birds and insects, Five dynasties; Zoo Jigs painting named Loquat and Wild birds in Song dynasty are able to tell the maturity of flower and bird painting development. Flower and bird painting then becomes important genre Of art With variety Of quinine, unique aesthetic value, schools and well-established theoretical background. Flowers and birds have close relationship in daily life. Getting along with the social development in different periods, not only the art and drawing technique development, but also the economical and political aspects to expand the possibilities between art and living, The economic prosperity and wealthy environment with open strategy with foreign countries and accepting different cultures, those reasons boost the further development of flower and bird paintings. At the beginning, life sketching on flower and bird with realistic kills, then adding the emotion and symbolic meaning within the calligraphy, flower and bird and the court painting and more sables appear to express variety of value in flower-and-bird painting. Here comes the tradition of flower and bird painting evolved into two main styles or trends of painting namely the Gonging focused in more details, realism and Xiii in more expressionism, abstractionism. At the turn of the 20th century, which the Chinese is already opened to the West in 1842 and achieve lots Of innovations in Chinese art. More different styles appeared by the 18th century such as Shanghai regional style, Lillian, etc. And brought the flower and bird paintings into international developments in modern art whose the artists studied and contacted art aboard. The modern paintings incorporated Euro-Japanese or different characteristics and styles regarded as a signing harbinger and continued to thrive and reflect its prosperity. There are three main stages of modern flower and bird painting. First, from the beginning of 20th century, artists inspired by the advantages to western paintings and treasures of traditional Chinese paintings after the Opium War tortes the western culture instill in Chinese culture. The disharmony in both cultures develops new space for artists to try and create evolution to their style on the paintings. Second, 20th to 50th century to the mid 70th century, a brand new stage of flower and bird painting and also within other art industries, new Republic of China encourage artists to work more, explore more about the public and peoples own life. Therefore, the flower and bird theme is able to become more suitable for them to represent and express more of their daily life within the period. Third, the Republic Of China and later, as the important stepping stone for artist o have space in order to reflect their creation and culture in art. .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a , .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a .postImageUrl , .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a , .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a:hover , .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a:visited , .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a:active { border:0!important; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a:active , .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u79eeedc8f463f051431838c01a8bc99a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Paintings: Quezon City and San Isidro Labrador EssayMore freedom and rooms to create different styles and expression released from the Old traditional rules, the changes develop more variety of painting technique and styles Which practiced by such artist as Zoo Shah Anger Lie Haiku Who brought back the essential contemporary European traditions and movements and etc. The artist, IQ Basis, which mainly inspired by the Mining Dynasty artist, Xx Wee, and the early King Dynasty painter, GHz Dad. He was a major artist in support and reflecting the traditional and self established style in order to create a ewe evolution in flower and bird painting history. Another major artist, Xx Bending developed his facility in drawing and oils and imitate pencil and chalk with Chinese brush in his artworks, as the establishment of Western-style art instruction in Nanjing, provide European modernist movements in favor to more conservative Parisian academic styles. From the beginning of the painting with flower and bird elements to as the independent theme in Chinese painting, there are achievements and great development with such painting between Chinese culture and art evolution.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Aids Related Stigma Essays - HIVAIDS, Health, Discrimination

Aids Related Stigma Essays - HIVAIDS, Health, Discrimination Aids Related Stigma Introduction Since the appearance of AIDS in the late seventies and early eighties, the disease has had attached to it a significant social stigma. This stigma has manifested itself in the form of discrimination, avoidance and fear of people living with AIDS (PLWAs). As a result, the social implications of the disease has been extended from those of other life threatening conditions to the point at which PLWAs are not only faced with a terminal illness but also social isolation and constant discrimination throughout society. Various explanations have been suggested as to the underlying causes of this stigmatization. Many studies point to the relationship the disease has with deviant behaviour. Others suggest that fear of contagion is the actual culprit. Examining the existing literature and putting it into societal context leads one to believe that there is no one cause. Instead, there would appear to be a collection of associated factors that influence societys attitudes towards AIDS and PLWAs. As the number of people infected with HIV increases, social workers are and will be increasingly called upon to deal with and serve PWAs. Although not all social workers chose to work with PLWAs, the escalating incidence of HIV infection is creating a situation in which seropositive people are and will be showing up more often in almost all areas of social work practice. This paper aims to examine AIDS related stigma and the stigmatization process, hopefully providing insights into countering the effects of stigma and perhaps the possibility of destigmatization. This is of particular pertinence to the field of social work due to our growing involvement with the HIV positive population. Association to Deviant/Marginal Behavior One of the most clearly and often identified causes of AIDS related stigma is its association to deviant behaviour. The disease has had and still does have a strong association for many to homosexuality, IV drug use, sexual promiscuity and other liberations of sexual practice (OHare, et al., 1996; Canadian Associacion of Social Workers, 1990; Quam, 1990 & Beauger, 1989). An especially strong association exists between homosexuality and AIDS. This is largely due to the fact that, in the early years of the disease, it was far more prevalent within the gay community and almost non-existent outside of it. In fact, until 1982 the disease was referred to as GRID or Gay Related Immune Deficiency. Even today, AIDS is often referred to as the gay plague (Giblin, 1995). Even though AIDS is now far less prevalent in the homosexual community and increasingly more outside of it, this link still remains strong for many. Along with the historical context of AIDS, the media is partly to blame for this not so accurate association. The Canadian Association of Social Workers (1990) reports that, often the media has not distinguished between gay and AIDS, so that public understanding of homosexuality and AIDS has become enmeshed (p.10). In recent years, the media has started to make more accurate distinctions between homosexuality and AIDS, but messages are still mixed and often ambiguous. The situation is quite similar in regard to IV drug use, prostitution, and other activities commonly associated with AIDS. This focus that the media has put on marginalized groups incorrectly places emphasis on high risk groups rather than high risk activities. As a result, the word AIDS alone conjures, for many, images of those who deviate from what society deems to be normal behaviour. Already Stigmatized Groups Many of the groups to which AIDS is associated have long histories of stigmatization before the appearance of AIDS. Homosexuals, in western culture, have almost always suffered the effects of being a stigmatized population. The same is true of prostitutes, IV drug users, and people of color (OHare, et al., 1996; Giblin, 1995 & CASW, 1990). It is significant to mention colored populations, as the parts of the world that are most severely effected by AIDS, such as countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia, and Haiti, are mostly populated by races other than Caucasian. As a result, a strong association has been also been made between AIDS and people of color (Quam, 1990). The fact that AIDS is associated with already stigmatized groups has two principal effects. First and most obvious, is that societys negative attitudes towards the group in question are transferred to AIDS and PLWAs. Second, is an amplification of the existing negative feelings that society holds towards the groups associated with the disease (CASW, 1990). As a result, homosexuals, prostitutes, colored people and other groups associated to HIV infection

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Using the Oxford Comma (Or Serial Comma)

Using the Oxford Comma (Or Serial Comma) Using the Serial (or Oxford) Comma The band Vampire Weekend once memorably sang words to the effect of who gives a monkey’s about an Oxford comma? Well, we do, and the person reading and grading your paper will too! What Is the Oxford (or Serial) Comma? Overlooked by many, the Oxford (or serial) comma is a useful tool in writing. It is so-called because it is recommended by the Oxford University Press style guide. We use the Oxford comma primarily to avoid ambiguity in lists. To be specific, an Oxford comma is a comma used before the final and or or in a list of three or more items. We would thus use it like this: The American flag is red, white, and blue. Although a final comma is not strictly necessary here, you should still add it if your colleges style guide specifies using Oxford/serial commas. Why Use the Oxford Comma? To see why the Oxford comma is sometimes necessary for clarity, we can take a look at a list where the final item is potentially ambiguous: The most important things in my life are my friends, God and Michael Jordon. Here, for example, it is unclear whether the speaker is referring to three distinct things or simply identifying God and Michael Jordan as her friends. Adding the serial comma removes this ambiguity by showing that each one is a separate item in the list: The most important things in my life are my friends, God, and Michael Jordon. The Oxford comma is also useful when one item in a list includes and or or already, as it can clarify the divisions. For instance, take the sentence: My favorite activities are basketball, singing and dancing and acrobatics. We know from the repeated and here that either singing and dancing or dancing and acrobatics are meant to be taken together. But the list doesnt make clear which. Adding the Oxford comma solves this: My favorite activities are basketball, singing and dancing, and acrobatics. Be sure to check your style guide, too, as some institutions have specific rules regarding use of the Oxford comma. And if you would like more grammar advice, or someone to look over your writing, get in touch with the professionals at Proofed today!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Macroeconomic Analysis of the Indian Economy Assignment

Macroeconomic Analysis of the Indian Economy - Assignment Example 8). Gross domestic product Gross domestic product indicates an economy’s productivity and possible investment advantages from the economy. High gross domestic product shows positive prospects and increasing trend implies a growing economy with investment opportunities and high demand for utilities among its citizens (Dwivedi 2012, p. 55). India’s gross domestic product is relatively high; it has been estimated at about $ 1867 billion and its possible implications on the proposed investment can be explored from its trend. Trend in the country’s economic data for the past eight years identifies an increasing gross domestic product and this shows an increasing productivity level. The economy reported gross domestic product at about $ 834 billion in 2006, a value that increased to about $ 949 billion in the fiscal year ended in 2007, and $ 1238.6 billion in the fiscal year ended 2008. The economy’s gross domestic product recorded $ 1867.4 billion by the year. This trend identifies the economy’s growth potentials and it is therefore suitable for the proposed investment. The increasing trend also means availability of utilities and employment opportunities (Exim Bank 2013, p. 1). Service industry is the most active in the economy followed by the industrial sector. The service industry contributes more than half of the economy’s gross domestic product with the industrial and agricultural sector as the other major contributors. A review of the gross domestic product by sectors over the past eight years further identifies a decline in significance of the agricultural sector to the economy and an increase in significance of the service industry’s significance. Significance of the industrial sector has however been constant. The agricultural sector and its... This paper makes a conclusion that consumer price index is another significant indicator for evaluation. Consumers prices have been gaining stability over the past years and this further ascertain stability in money value. The country’s consumer index is however high and this communicates high living standards besides high ability to spend. Further, the high propensity to spend communicates high local demand for the investment should it be done in India. Foreign direct investment into the economy has been increasing and the trend identifies recognition of the country’s investment potentials by global investors. The macroeconomic indicators therefore identify positive investment prospects with the Indian economy because the indicators have been improving in the past years. The economy’s gross domestic product, exchange rate, current account balance, foreign direct investment, and consumer price index indicate increasing stability. In addition, the country’s political environment, accessibility to the global economy, and its investment oriented fiscal and monetary policies identify its suitability to the company’s proposed investment. Its inflation rate and the low unemployment rate, however, raise concerns of potential economic challenges. Poor technology may further challenge the investment, but technology can be imported. This report therefore recommends the Indian economy for the proposed investments because of the diverse economic advantages that outweighs the possible disadvantages.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Questions 7 & 8 psychosocial dev Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questions 7 & 8 psychosocial dev - Essay Example â€Å"Observations of physical development reveal that growth is cephalocaudal (it proceeds from head to tail) and proximodistal (it proceeds from the center of the body outward) and that gross motor movements are developed before fine motor movements. Control of head and arm muscles is achieved before control of leg muscles. Similarly, children are able to control the muscles of their arms before they can control the fine muscles in their hands that are needed for tasks such as writing and cutting with scissors.† (Brewer, 2001, p13). This explains why a human first masters balancing his head and back before learning to stand and walk, and why younger children move their arms clumsily when attempting to paint until they master the skill of holding a brush or a pen properly and exerting enough pressure to write some strokes. The â€Å"Initiative vs. Guilt† stage of Erikson’s Psychosocial development usually happens during the preschool years of ages 3-6. At this age, the basic task is to gain competence and initiative. The child has a boundless supply of energy which permits him to learn all kinds of activities and ideas quickly and avidly. In discovering that he is capable of doing many things, he gets to attempt a lot of tasks that he may not be ready for. In the event that he fails in such tasks, he may become overwhelmed by resignation, guilt and anxiety. The preschool age is characterized by enthusiasm at proving one’s competencies by initiating or volunteering for tasks. The child is out to pursue evidences that he or she is already a â€Å"big† boy or girl and no longer a helpless baby. However, the reality that his youth brings many limitations to his abilities that need more time and practice to be honed, usually sets in and may cause him frustration and guilt at failing. If he is not able to deal with the frustration properly, then he may defer from taking

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Life in Pompeii Essay Example for Free

Life in Pompeii Essay The amphitheatre was built in 70bc by the magistrates to provide entertainment for the people of Pompeii. The Pompeii amphitheatre is the oldest surviving amphitheatre in the Roman world. The capacity was 24000 and because seats were numbered, only the most important people of Pompeii would be allowed to sit at the front. The amphitheatre was mainly used for games that lasted a week and were funded by the magistrates. While entering the stadium, the people would salute the important dignitaries. Political Life: The amphitheatre was built by magistrates and events were fully funded by them aswell. Although built for the whole city to enjoy, only special people could sit at the front. Cultural Life: The amphitheatre was made from stone and included a parapet that separated the stand from the arena. The parapet was decorated with frescoes of gladiatorial combat which over time have been lost. Events that were primarily used at the amphitheatre were gladiatorial battles, hunts, and wild beast fights. The Basilica Economic and Political Life: The Basilica was a structure in the Forum where legal and business activities took place. It was built in-between 120bc and 78bc and was 24 by 55 metres in size. The basilica was originally a market but was changed in the first century to become the new law courts Cultural Life: The Basilica was covered by a large, double pitched tiled roof and the entrance had five doors with wooden shutters, the large hall was surrounded by twenty eight ionic columns, 11 metres in height. On the west side, stood a two story structure known as the Tribunal which was guarded by a statue of Augustus. The marbel panels on the side walls were decorated in the first style art and graffiti was found everywhere, not unusual in Pompeii. The Baths: Economic life: Just about everyone except slaves and the poor visited the baths as not only was it a place for cleaning but also a social hub. The baths would be opened at around midday and remained open well into the evening. Most people were accompanied by slaves who assisted them with their cleaning. Political life: Pompeii had four main baths, the forum baths, the stabian baths, the central baths and the amphitheatre baths. The stabian baths were the oldest and biggest baths in Pompeii and date as far back as the early 4th century. The baths has a Apodyterium, a frigidarium, a tepiderium, a caldarium, toilets and the stabian baths featured a swimming pool. Usually the baths were divided between men and women and when this wasn’t the case, men and women would attend the baths at different times. There was however mixed bathing in some places. Cultural Life: Apart from cleaning, at the baths people also enjoyed physical activity and sport at the palestra. There was also massage, music, poetry, reading and business contacts to be made. Graffiti and wall drawings also depicted sexual activity at the baths. Women wore modest clothing and men wore either trunks or bathed naked. The floor was made of square stones and supported brick columns and there was space between the tiles and walls because of the use of the special nipple tiles. The hot air generated from the furnace located at the back of the caldarium would flow up between the tiles and the wall, heating all the rooms. Via Del Abbondanza The Via Dell Abbondanza was the main street of Pompeii and the main business district of the city. The streetscape had a grid like pattern which although was popular in other roman times, was not precisely applied in Pompeii. The street contained stepping stones so that when it had been raining, people didn’t have to walk through sewage. There was enough room between stones for wheeled traffic aswell. Deep groove marks in the roads indicate to us that there was alot of wheeled traffic on the road. There were two different roads, the Decumani and the Cardines. The decumani ran east to west and the cardines ran north to south. On cross roads there were shrines called nymphaea which were water fountains. Via Stabiana: The Via Stabiana stretches from the Porta Stabia to the center of the city. Along this street, on the west side is the Gladiators’ Barracks and the Odeon. There were stepping stones to allow pedestrians to cross the street without stepping into whatever might be in the street itself. Carriages could still travel along the streets, their wheels passing between the stepping stones. On the east are a number of residences and shops, including a bakery with an oven which is seen as a hole in the wall with a large stone above it. Next door is a thermapolium with a counter containing four pottery jars sunk into the counter. Further along on the Via Stabiana is the Domus of Q. Octavius Romulus. Villa of the Papyri: The Villa of the papyri is a large residential complex situated on the slope of Vesuvius in Herculaneum. Judging from the size and value of the house, it can be said that the owner of the house was extremely wealthy. Unlike other ancient roman houses, it had its own water supply which in those days was extreme luxury. It was decorated with statues and columns of Greek influence. Praedia of Julia Felix: Julia Felix was an extremely wealthy woman from Pompeii who inherited her fortune from family. She owned a large estate which was decorated with floral motifs, statues and scenes of the Nile river aswell as a shrine to Isis the Egyptian goddess.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Morality Essay -- Character Analysis, Gawain

We as humans often gauge ourselves and our perceived virtues on the scale of our peers; it is hard for us to form an authentic self view without the moral ruler of others. The obvious problem with this universal human practice is that our analysis depends greatly on the company we keep. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight the poet explores Sir Gawain's moral development throughout his ordeal, often juxtaposing his supposed virtues against those of others, but finally, when he is alone, Gawain gains a sense of his true moral standing. The very moment of Gawain's introduction, the reader begins to sum up his virtues. From his own mouth Gawain explains why he should accept the Green Knight's challenge in place of the king: I am the weakest, the most wanting in wisdom, I know, And my life, if lost, would be least missed, truly. Only through your being my uncle, am I to be valued; No bounty but your blood in my body do I know. (Sir Gawain 34) Gawain bases his arguments in comparison between his traits and those of the other knights. These arguments, although self-depraving, paradoxically increase the reader's estimation of him. His humility is striking, and the fact that he agrees to the challenge while the others - whom Gawain previously described as â€Å"No braver knights when battle is joined† (Sir Gawain 34) - did not, casts doubt on the validity of him being the supposed worst among them. The author gives the reader no indication that anyone in the court attempts to refute Gawain's bleak assertion saying only; Then wisely they whispered of it, And after, all said the same: That the crowned King should be quit, And Gawain given the game. (Sir Gawain 34) This suggests that the common opi... ...y. When he returns donning the lady's green sash as a reminder of his sin, the poet juxtaposes Gawain's shame of this token â€Å"The burden [he] bear[s] for being caught by cowardice and covetousness† (Sir Gawain 114) with the court's reaction: And all the lords and ladies belonging to the Table Laughed at it loudly, and concluded amiably That each brave man of the brotherhood should bear a baldric A band, obliquely about him, of bright green, Of the same hue as Sir Gawain's and for his sake wear it. So it ranked as renown to the Round Table, And an everlasting honour to him who had it, (Sir Gawain 114-115) This comparison truly shows that Gawain has escaped the moral mediocrity and obsession with image that seems to permeate King Arthur's Court. He no longer measures his virtue on the scale of others and hence, has reached moral fulfillment.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Health Care Regulatory Agencies Paper Essay

Health care regulatory agencies supervise professional of the health care profession such as physicians, hospitals, and labs. Providing information in regards to changes in health care along with ensuring the safety and legal compliance and the quality of services provided to the public is the duty assigned to the agency. These agencies can range from the federal, all the way to the local level with the task of establishing rules and regulations for the health care industry to follow. The supervision of these is imperative. Fields of expertise range from disease control, health care providers, to food and drug. These different agencies are all housed under the Department of Health and Human Services. The FDA is the agency that will be analyzed in this paper. The FDA or Food and Drug administration is the oldest agency in the federal government of the U. S. This scientific, regulatory, and public health agency supervises items in the market that account for one fourth of every dollar spent by consumers. Earlier duties involved doing chemical analysis of farming products back in 1862 when it was known as the Department of Agriculture. In 1930 this department was renamed to the name that the public recognizes presently. The governing role started with the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act, this law banned interstate trading in contaminated and incorrectly labeled food and drugs. The enforcement of this law was headed by Chief Chemist Harvey Washington Wiley. As of today, the agency now employs over 10,000 that is made up of pharmacists, physicians, veterinarians, lawyers, microbiologists, chemists and pharmacologists. These were the starting blocks of consumer protection that would later evolve in to the regulatory laws that we presently abide by. The responsibilities over the years have been modified, to keep up with changes in politics, culture, and the economy. Its power of influence includes most food products (with the exception of poultry and meat), animal and human medication, therapeutic agents of biological origin, medical instruments, radiation-emitting products for consumer, medical, and professional use, toiletries, make-up, and animal food (FDA, 2009). Agency scientists review applications for new human and animal drugs, infant formulas, food and color additives, and complex medical devices. Also, the FDA monitor s the transport, storage, import, manufacture, and sale of about $1 trillion worth of products annually (FDA, 2009). States utilized the primary control over nationally produced and distributed goods and drugs in the 19th century. The control that was administered was conflicting from state to state. The Vaccine Act of 1813, though brief, was the first federal law that addressed buyer protection and medication for the public. At such federal power was restricted to medicine and foods that were brought in. With advancement in the field of science, fraudulent acts like manufacturing contaminated food were easier to identify. Drug companies had developed techniques that made medicine less potent but more beneficial by cutting the drug with just about anything. The meat packing industry was also exposed for its sickening situation. These dishonest and unsafe practices prompted the driving force that lead to both a meat inspection law and a comprehensive food and drug law . President Roosevelt passed in to law The Food and Drug Act in June of 1906. Under this act guidelines were established to the labeling of products. Drugs could not be sold unless it met the standard defined in the United States Pharmacopoeia and the National Formulary. If there was a difference from the norm it should be stated on the label. Foods were not subjected to the same similar standards, however the law banned the addition of any component that would alternate the food, cover up damage, create a health risk, or amount to a dirty or decayed substance. The FDA is made up of seven centers: the National Center for Toxicological Research Organization, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Organization, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Organization, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Organization, Center for Tobacco Products Organization, Center for Veterinary Medicine Organization, and the Center for Devices and Radiological Health Organization. Impact On the FDA website there are sections that house the important information pertaining to pet safety and health, safety information and problems with human health products, and food safety. There are also press releases by the various industries and the FDA on recalls of different products. There was a recent ruling that made the media headlines that shows how important the rulings of the FDA are to the public. On March 18, 2010 new rules were announced that have a strict impact on the way that the tobacco industry can sell and market smokeless products and cigarettes. In particular the advertising that targets the nation’s youth population. That law that takes effect on June 22, prevents the FDA from prohibiting tobacco or nicotine, but it gives the agency infinite authority to control the ingredients in tobacco products and the way they are marketed, distributed and sold (Lyndsey, 2010). Companies will no longer be able to sponsor events that involve entertainment or sports among other things. Federal punishment for violators varies from penalties to warnings. This has been an ongoing battle since 1996 when the FDA tried to crack down on the advertising but the industry fought back in court and won. They accused the agency of stepping outside the bounds of their authority.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Secondary Motives

SECONDARY/ LEARNT/ PSYCHOLOGICAL MOTIVES  ·Besides the basic biological needs, the expression of psychological needs is also of great significance:through society and culture in which one lives.  · Non-satisfaction of these motives may lead to mental illness. Main psychological needs are: i. Achievement ii. Curiosity iii. Need for appraisaliv iv. Need for affiliationv v. Need for powervi vi. Work as motive 1. Achievement  · Self- actualization or attaining excellence in relevant domain is the characteristic feature ofthis motive. The need to achieve something, some object of desire, a goal, or position/status.  · The source of satisfaction is not just the achievement of the goal, but the very act of strivingfor it too.  · The level of the need for achievement varies from person to person.  · Some are high and some low achievers.  · Competition is an important element of this need.  · Achievement motivation is a significant variable in a competitive society.  · Peopl e with high motivation: Take and overcome challenges in order to succeed rather thanfinding an easy ways of achieving success. Similar essay: Primary and Secondary Reflection Examples People with low motivation: Tends to avoid failure, finding easy way outs, not desire to takedifficult tasks.  · Methods of measuring achievement motivation: · Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is used; series of ambiguous pictures are presented tothe person and ask him to write a story on it.  · Instructions are given as that the story must have a beginning, middle and an end along withthe title; who are the people, what they are thinking, feeling, wanting etc; what is going onand what will happen____ all depicts the needs, desires and motivation to succeed/ achieve. In short the subject describes the past, present and future along with the description ofcharacters and their thinking and motivation.  · Factors Contributing to the Need for Achievemento Parents who are warm for their child as well as make high standards for theirchild; encouragement is given on becoming independent. o Siblings who are high achievers in their own domain. 2. Curiosity  · Think why a little chil d always wanting to break toys and things? Why children always asks questions of things they saw on TV, read it or listen from any one · It is all their curiosity and need to explore in order to find answers of these puzzles.  · It is a significantly inborn but learned also: found in both humans and animals.  · Parents encourage their children's curiosity by satisfying their inquisitiveness.  · School also plays an important role; the teaching methodology adopted may encourage or discouragecuriosity. 3. Symbolic Reward/ Appraisal Appraisal is a powerful motive for everyone; especially for children and animals ·Praising words, petting after doing well etc all serve as symbolic reward for the learner.  ·The presence and the attitude of the more liked serves as a social reward for thelearner e. g. child with his mother, dog with its caretaker etc. Parent's approval and disapproval, liking and disliking towards the child all areincluded in symbolic rewards. 4. Need for affil iation  ·Urge/ desire to main a relationship with other people; making friends, social contact with otherpeople. Less desire to be isolated or alone.  ·Studies showed that females spend a larger span of time among friends and peers as compared tomales.  ·Although the need for affiliation is a universal phenomenon, cultural differences do exist in itsexpression; some cultures have more group cohesiveness than others. 5. Need for Power  · Desire to influence, hold or ruling over others in order to be recognized as powerful individual.  · These types of people prefer to work in big organizations, businesses and other influentialprofessions. There also exists gender differences among males and females; men are more apt to take challengesand respond quite aggressively irrespective of women who are socially restrained and traditional inher behavior. 6. Work  · Most of the people spent large span of time in their life at work; for this reason, psychologists take itas another po werful motive  · Work serves as a powerful motive because it satisfies other motives also such as biological motives ofhunger, shelter etc, sense of achievement, affiliation and decision-making.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

2 Forms of the Imperfect Subjunctive in Spanish

2 Forms of the Imperfect Subjunctive in Spanish Why are there two forms of the imperfect subjunctive, such as hablara and hablase? Do they mean the same thing? The -se form might be considered the traditional form of the imperfect (or past) subjunctive, while the -ra comes from an old Latin indicative form. Over time, the two verb forms came to be used identically. Today, with a few regional exceptions, the -ra form has basically replaced the -se form, and so it is the -ra form you should learn. When used as the imperfect subjunctive, the two forms are interchangeable. The -se form is sometimes known as a literary form because it is used much less, but there is no difference in meaning. Examples of the Imperfect Subjunctive in Use, Showing the -ra  Form Si fuera fcil yo tocarà ­a el piano. (If it were easy I would play the piano.)Espero que à ©l estudiara con cuidado. (I hope he studied carefully.)Le prohibieron que utilizara las redes sociales. (They prohibited her from using social networks.) There are ​very few cases where the use of the -ra form as an indicative verb form has survived in modern Spanish, although you will seldom hear them. In some parts of Latin America as well as some areas near Portugal, you may hear the -ra form substitute for the pluperfect (e.g., fuera instead of habà ­a sido to say had been). There are some speakers who use the -ra form of haber as a substitute for the conditional, that is hubiera conocido instead of habrà ­a conocido for would have known; that usage can also be found occasionally in literature. In these rare cases where the -ra form is used instead of the conditional, the -se form cant be used as a substitute for the conditional. It isnt important to learn these variations, but it can be helpful to remember they exist in case you come across them. The -ra  Conjugation Pattern for Regular Verbs -ar verbs: que yo hablara, que tà º hablaras, que usted/à ©l/ella hablara, que nosotros hablramos, que vosotros hablarais, que ustedes/ellos/ellas hablaran.-er verbs: que yo aprendiera, que tà º aprendieras, que usted/à ©l/ella aprendiera, que nosotros aprendià ©ramos, que aprendierais, que ustedes/ellos/ellas aprendieran.-ir verbs: que yo viviera, que tà º vivieras, que usted/à ©l/ella viviera, que nosotros vivià ©ramos, que vosotros vivierais, que ustedes/ellos/ellas vivieran.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Introduction to Utility Maximization

Introduction to Utility Maximization As consumers, we make choices every day about what and how much to buy and use. In order to model how consumers make these decisions, economists (reasonably) assume that people make choices that maximize their levels of happiness (i.e. that people are economically rational). Economists even have their own word for happiness: utility: the amount of happiness gained from consuming a good or service This concept of economic utility has some specific properties that are important to keep in mind: sign matters: positive utility numbers (i.e. numbers greater than zero) indicate that consuming a good makes the consumer happier. Conversely, negative utility numbers (i.e. numbers less than zero) indicate that consuming a good makes the consumer less happy. bigger is better: The greater the utility number, the more happiness the consumer receives from consuming an item. (Note that this is consistent with the first point since large negative numbers are smaller, i.e. less than, small negative numbers.) ordinal but not cardinal properties: Utility numbers can be compared, but it doesnt necessarily make sense to perform calculations with them. In other words, while it is the case that a utility of 6 is better than a utility of 3, it is not necessarily the case that a utility of 6 is twice as good as a utility of 3. Similarly, its not necessarily the case that a utility of 2 and a utility of 3 would add to a utility of 5. Economists use this concept of utility to model consumers preferences since it stands to reason that consumers prefer items that give them higher levels of utility. The consumers decision regarding what to consume, therefore, boils down to answering the question What affordable combination of goods and services gives me the most happiness? In the utility maximization model, the affordable part of the question is represented by a budget constraint and the happiness part is represented by what are known as indifference curves. We will examine each of these in turn and then put them together to arrive at the consumers optimal consumption.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Federal Wolves at the Door Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Federal Wolves at the Door - Essay Example The federal Endangered Species Act however protects a threatened or endangered species throughout its breeding range. The second reason for the preference of national legislation is that state’s regulations may be inadequate to protect the endangered species. For instance, the regulatory mechanisms in Idaho, home of the northern Rockies gray wolves, are considered inadequate for two key reasons (Alderman 1232). One, the wolf management plans of the state are non-binding in nature and thus difficult to enforce because state residents are not bound to comply with them. Two, unregulated killing of wolves is allowed under the Idaho defence of property laws if it is for the protection of domestic animals. Further, an upper limit has not been set for the number of wolves that can be killed in defence of domestic animals (Alderman 1222). Although opinion is divided on whether the states should be allowed to regulate and administer endangered species that inhabit their jurisdictions, the Endangered Species Act remains the reference point for the protection of endangered species. Alderman, Jesse. â€Å"Crying Wolf: The Unlawful Delisting of Northern Rocky Mountain Gray Wolves from Endangered Species Act Protections.† Boston College Law Review 50.2 (2009): 1195-1241. Web. 3 Nov.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Global Warming Melts from View Now That Economys on Ice Essay

Global Warming Melts from View Now That Economys on Ice - Essay Example This article was big on words and figures and speech but lack the hard proof to substantiate its claims. The author started his article with the sentence â€Å" GIVEN that we, at least everybody with a government-guaranteed bank account, are all socialists now, everybody understands how cruelly incompetent capitalism is.† Most words used in this sentence have depreciatory ring to them and the object of the criticism is capitalism. The author, in this first sentence, created these antithetical ideas of socialism and capitalism and instantly attributing to the latter dire qualities. He referred to it as â€Å"cruel† and â€Å"incompetent† while at the same time calling Australians socialists, which is of course, a hyperbole because having some people own a government-guaranteed bank account, do not constitute a country into a socialist one. The idea is perhaps, to picture capitalism and the Australian people as poles apart creating a nemesis effect.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Research proposal is feasible to delivering package with drone in the

Is feasible to delivering package with drone in the nearest future - Research Proposal Example from this drones to cruise missiles that are also remotely controlled is the fact that drones can be reused and can lift payloads that are either lethal or not. Their importance is in the miniaturization of the cost of producing a full-scale aircraft. the inability to cost the pilots life in case of an accident and host of electronic masquerades that make them invincible in war zones. In an attempt to make automatic the systems that handle letters and parcels, various computerised technology have been applied. These are mainly used in the sorting of the bulky letters and parcels. In the delivery, manual transportation is used that involves human labour. In the delivery system, the automation of the process through the use of drones is a potential area of infusion of technology. In encouraging the acceptance of technology, the automation of services through drones could reduce the workforce or ensure the high level of efficiency that can result in the reduction of time. While using drones in the delivery mechanism, the reduction of the number of the mailmen, and the resultant cost is supposed to increase organizational profits, hours of work and accuracy of the delivery process. This aspect is what inspires the extensive research into the delivery process that uses the unmanned aerial vehicles that are in most cases referred to as drones. Despite being a potential area of improvement of service and the use of technology, the drones raises some economic, legal and safety concerns. The questions that will be handled, in their use, in the delivery system are: The method will involve a secondary research technique. The resources that will be used to conduct the research include books, journal, research articles and papers and information available on the internet portal. The audience of this research are companies that operate parcel delivery services and the other stakeholders like the federal aviation authority. The information that it will provide is crucial to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Switched Mode Power Supply Engineering Essay

Switched Mode Power Supply Engineering Essay ABSTRACT Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) is the most prevailing architecture for DC power supply in modern systems, primarily for its capability to handle variable loads. Apart from efficiency the size and weight of the power supplies is becoming a great area of concern for the Power Supply Designers. In this thesis an AC to DC converter SMPS circuit, having a power MOSFET for switching operation and a PWM based Feedback circuit for driving the switching of the MOSFET, is designed and simulated in NI MULTISIM circuit design environment. Further the same circuit is Hardware implemented and tested using NI ELVIS Suite. In this design the line voltage at 220V/50Hz is taken as input, this voltage is stepped down, rectified and passed through filter capacitor to give an unregulated DC voltage. This unregulated voltage is chopped using a MOSFET switch, driven by PWM feedback signal, to control the output voltage level. An Isolation Transformer is used to isolate the DC output from input supply. The transformer output is again rectified by the high frequency Diode bridge rectifier and is filtered using a capacitor to give the regulated DC output. A Voltage regulator is connected to give the precise voltage output. The feedback network generates a high frequency PWM signal to drive the MOSFET switch. The dc voltage at the output depends on the width of the switching pulse. The pulse width is varied with the changes in the DC output voltage level, this change in the pulse width cancels the output voltage change and the SMPS output remains constant irrespective of load variations. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION Power Electronics is the art of converting electrical energy from one form to another in an efficient, clean, compact, and robust manner for convenient utilisation. The never ending drive towards smaller and lighter product poses serious challenges for power supply designers. The aim of the project is to design, test and implement a switched mode power supply (SMPS) circuit for AC to DC conversion, having a power MOSFET for switching operation and a PWM based feedback circuit to drive the MOSFET switch using NI MULTISIM circuit design environment and NI ELVIS Breadboard. Figure1.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM :: SMPS CHAPTER 2 THEORITICAL BACKGROUND 2. THERORITICAL BACKGROUND Power Supplies: A power supply is a component, subsystem, or system that converts electrical power from one form to another; commonly from alternating current (AC) utility power to direct current (DC) power. The proper operation of electronic devices ranging from personal computers to military equipment and industrial machinery depends on the performance and reliability of DC power supplies. Power supplies are circuits that generate a fixed or controllable magnitude dc voltage from the available form of input voltage. Integrated-circuit (IC) chips used in the electronic circuits need standard dc voltage of fixed magnitude. Many of these circuits need well-regulated dc supply for their proper operation. Even a commodity switch-mode power supply must be able to survive sudden peaks that far exceed its average operating levels. Engineers designing power supplies or the systems that use them need to understand their supplies behaviour under conditions ranging from quiescent to worst-case. Todays power supplies are driving to a level of efficiency never seen before, requiring design engineers to perform numerous specialized power measurements that are time-consuming and complex. The power supply is integral to virtually every type of line powered electronic product, and the switch-mode power supply (SMPS) has become the dominant architecture in digital computing, networking, and communications systems. A single switch-mode power supplys performance or its failure can affect the fate of a large, costly system. SMPS The prevailing DC power supply architecture in most modern systems is the Switch-Mode Power Supply (SMPS), which is known for its ability to handle changing loads efficiently. The power signal path of a typical SMPS includes passive, active, and magnetic components. The SMPS minimizes the use of lossy components such as resistors and linear-mode transistors, and emphasizes components that are (ideally) lossless: switch-mode transistors, capacitors, and magnetic. Like a linear power supply, the switched mode power supply too converts the available unregulated ac or dc input voltage to a regulated dc output voltage. However in case of SMPS with input supply drawn from the ac mains, the input voltage is first rectified and filtered using a capacitor at the rectifier output. The unregulated dc voltage across the capacitor is then fed to a high frequency dc-to-dc converter. Most of the dc-to-dc converters used in SMPS circuits have an intermediate high frequency ac conversion stage to facilitate the use of a high frequency transformer for voltage scaling and isolation. The high frequency transformer used in a SMPS circuit is much smaller in size and weight compared to the low frequency transformer of the linear power supply circuit. The Switched Mode Power Supply owes its name to the dc-to-dc switching converter for conversion from unregulated dc input voltage to regulated dc output voltage. The switch employed is turned ON and OFF (referred as switching) at a high frequency. During ON mode the switch is in saturation mode with negligible voltage drop across the collector and emitter terminals of the switch where as in OFF mode the switch is in cut-off mode with negligible current through the collector and emitter terminals. On the contrary the voltage-regulating switch, in a linear regulator circuit, always remains in the active region. Details of some popular SMPS circuits, with provisions for incorporating high frequency transformer for voltage scaling and isolation, have been discussed in next few lessons. In this lesson a simplified schematic switching arrangement is described that omits the transformer action. In fact there are several other switched mode dc-to-dc converter circuits that do not use a high frequency transformer. In such SMPS circuits the unregulated input dc voltage is fed to a high frequency voltage chopping circuit such that when the chopping circuit (often called dc to dc chopper) is in ON state, the unregulated voltage is applied to the output circuit that includes the load and some filtering circuit. When the chopper is in OFF state, zero magnitude of voltage is applied to the output side. The ON and OFF durations are suitably controlled such that the average dc voltage applied to the output circuit equals the desired magnitude of output voltage. The ratio of ON time to cycle time (ON + OFF time) is known as duty ratio of the chopper circuit. A high switching frequency (of the order of 100 KHz) and a fast control over the duty ratio results in application of the desired mean voltage along with ripple voltage of a very high frequency to the output side, consisting of a low pass filter circuit followed by the load. The high frequency ripple in voltage is effectively filtered using small values of filter capacitors and inductors. SMPS technology rests on power semiconductor switching devices such as Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET) and Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT). These devices offer fast switching times and are able to withstand erratic voltage spikes. Equally important, they dissipate very little power in either the On or Off states, achieving high efficiency with low heat dissipation. For the most part, the switching device determines the overall performance of an SMPS. Key measurements for switching devices include: switching loss, average power loss, safe operating area, and more. Choice of Topology There are several different topologies for the switched mode power supply circuits. Some popular ones are: Fly-back Forward Push-pull Half bridge Full-bridge A particular topology may be more suitable than others on the basis of one or more performance criterions like cost, efficiency, overall weight and size, output power, output regulation, voltage ripple etc. All the topologies listed above are capable of providing isolated voltages by incorporating a high frequency transformer in the circuit. Applications of SMPS To reduce cost, size and weight of a power supply. TVs, monitors, PCs, laptop and camcorder power packs, printers, fax machines, VCRs, portable CD players, microelectronics-based devices in automotive, computing, communications, consumer electronics, and industrial applications use SMPS. 2.5 PWM Concepts PWM or Pulse Width Modulation is the modulation technique where frequency and Amplitude of the pulse signal is not varied and the pulse width or the duty cycle is varied to encode the information. A common use of PWM is to control the average current or Voltage input to a device. In this project the PWM Signal is generated as feedback control signal for driving the switching of the MOSFET switch. The output Voltage is taken as the reference level. A sine wave is generated using LMH6622MA OPAMP and 555 Timer. This sine wave signal is compared with the reference voltage using LM311 comparator, and the pulse width of the PWM is determined by this comparison. This switching period determines the voltage at the output. Thus if there is any change at the output Voltage, the corresponding change in the PWM pulse width will nullify its effect and the output voltage will be restored to desired value. Figure2.1 PWM wave generation CHAPTER 3 ELECRONICS DESIGN TOOLS 3. ELECTRONICS DESIGN TOOL 3.1 NI MULTISIM NI Multisim  or formerly  MultiSIM  is an electronic  Schematic Capture  and simulation program which is part of a  suite  of circuit design programs, along with  NI Ultiboard. Multisim is one of the few circuit design programs to employ the original  BerkeleySPICE  based software simulation. MultiSIM was originally created by a company named  Electronics Workbench, which is now a subsidiary  of  National Instruments. Multisim includes a microcontroller simulation module called MultiMCU, as well as integrated import and export features to the  Printed Circuit Board  layout software in the suite, Ultiboard. Multisim is the chief competitor to  Cadence  OrCAD, another electronic schematic design and simulation software. 3.2 Features of MULTISIM You dont need to be a SPICE expert to design with Multisim. With an intuitive capture environment and an easy-to-use interface to industry-standard SPICE simulation, Multisim software can help you immediately begin designing and validating your PCBs. You can prevent costly prototype iterations and lost development time, as well as ensure quality with simulation and measurements earlier in your design flow. The Multisim product family (Base,  Full,  Power Pro) provides a complete set of tools for professional PCB designers: Intuitive design environment Modeless wiring and placement Interactive virtual measurement instruments to view simulation and real signals Circuit wizards for automatically generating commonly used circuitry Rubber banding on parts/moves Fast-retrieval parts bin Easy export to  NI Ultiboard  for layout Complex designs can be accomplished with advanced Multisim features from 24 sophisticated SPICE analyses to a comprehensive component library all the while taking advantage of an easy-to-use design environment. Designers can incorporate the latest parts using a custom component wizard. They can also use NI LabVIEW measurement software to introduce real measurements into simulation for rapidly prototyping and testing designs. More than 16,000 components, all with models ready for immediate simulation Device models from leading manufacturers such as Analog Devicesâ„ ¢ and Texas Instrumentsâ„ ¢ Easy addition of new parts and simulation models Comprehensive suite of analyses, including Monte Carlo and Worst Case 3.3 NI MULTISIM 11 Multisim and Ultiboard 11.0 introduce a number of new features and enhancements to make capturing designs, simulating behaviour, and defining board layout faster and easier. Feedback circuit of this project work was designed in NI MULTISIM 11 and rest of the circuit was imported from version 10 to 11 and then integrated in MULTISIM 11 for final simulation. 3.4 NI ELVIS The National Instruments Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite(NI ELVIS) is a LABVIEW based-design and prototyping environment for Universities science and engineering laboratories. The NI ELVIS featuring an integrated suite of 12 instruments in one compact form factor is ideal for hands-on learning (http://www.ni.com/nielvis/). NI ELVIS is a primary component of the NI electronics education platform along with NI Multisim, the leading tool for SPICE simulation and schematic capture, and NI LabVIEW software. ( http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/7159) 3.5 Components of NI ELVIS NI ELVIS includes 12 of the most commonly used laboratory instruments including an oscilloscope (scope), digital multimeter (DMM), function generator, variable power supply, dynamic signal analyzer (DSA), bode analyzer, 2- and 3-wire current-voltage analyzer, arbitrary waveform generator, digital reader/writer, and impedance analyzer in a single platform. This compact, yet powerful assortment of instruments translates into cost savings for the lab, both in terms of lab space as well as lower-maintenance costs.( http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/7159) Figure 3.1 Following Components were used for this project work:: Figure 3.2 The Function Generator Figure 3.3 Variable Power supplies Figure 3.4 Digital Multimeter Figure 3.5 Oscilloscope Figure 3.6 Complete Circuit Setup with NI ELVIS CHAPTER 4 COMPONENTS SELECTION 4. COMPONENTS SELECTION For NI MULTISIM 4.1 Power supply AC power Figure 4.1 Voltage RMS = 230V Voltage offset= 0V Frequency (f)= 50Hz Time Delay = 0ns 4.2 Step-Down Transformer Transformer Rated available in multisim Library Figure 4.2 Primary Voltage (max) = 350V Primary Current (max) = 5A Secondary Voltage (max) = 15V Secondary Current (max) = 1A Output Power (max) = 5kVA Primary to Secondary Turns Ratio = 20 Leakage Inductance = 1mH Primary Winding Resistance =1Ohm Secondary Winding Resistance = 1Ohm 4.3 Unregulated Rectifier 1J4B42 Single Phase Bridge Rectifier Figure 4.3 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage (max) = 600V Average Output Rectified Current = 1 A Junction Temperature = -40 to 150 oC Peak Forward Voltage (max) = 1V 4.4 MOSFET for Switching Application BS170 N-Channel Enhancement Switching Transistor Low On- resistance High Switching Speed Low Capacitances Used for :: Analog and/or Digital Switch Switch Driver Converters/Choppers Figure 4.4 VDS max. = 20V VGS max. = +15/-40 V ID max. = 50 mA RDS (typ) = 25ÃŽ © ton = 1ns toff = 5ns 4.5 High Frequency Isolation Transformer Figure 4.5 4.6 Rectifier with high Frequency Diode IN4148, Fast Switching Diodes Figure 4.6 Repetitive peak reverse voltage = 100V Reverse Voltage = 70V Forward Voltage (max) = 1V Average Forward current = 150 mA Reverse Current (max) = 50 mA Breakdown Voltage (min) = 100V Diode Capacitance (max) = 4 pF Rectification Efficiency (min) = 45% Reverse Recovery Time = 8ns 4.7 Voltage Regulator LM7805CT 3 terminal-1A Positive Voltage regulator Figure 4.7 †¢ Output Current up to 1A †¢ Output Voltage of 5V †¢ Thermal Overload Protection †¢ Short Circuit Protection †¢ Output Transistor Safe Operating Area Protection Line regulation = 4-100mV Load regulation = 9-100 mV Quiescent Current = 5mA Dropout Voltage = 2V Peak current = 2.2 A 4.8 555 Timer Figure 4.8 4.9 LMH6622MA OPAMP Figure 4.9 4.10 LM311N comparator Figure 4.10 CHAPTER 5 TESTING CIRCUITS AND SIMILATION RESULTS 5. TESTING CIRCUITS AND SIMULATION RESULTS 5.1.1 Following Circuit was designed for AC-DC conversion Figure 5.1 5.1.2 Simulation Output of AC-DC conversion Figure 5.2 5.2.1 Circuit for Analysis of MOSFET Switch performance Figure 5.3 5.2.2 Simulation output for MOSFET Switch at 50kHz Figure 5.4 5.3.1 Circuit of Analysis of Voltage regulator combined with Rectifier Figure 5.5 5.3.2 Simulation Output of Voltage Regulator performance Figure 5.6 5.4.1 Open Loop Circuit Without Isolation Transformer Figure 5.7 5.4.2 Simulation Output of Open Loop Circuit Figure 5.8 5.5.1 Feedback Circuit Figure 5.9 5.5.2 Feedback Circuit Simulation Output Figure 5.10 5.6.1 SMPS Circuit Figure 5.11 5.6.2 SMPS Output Figure 5.12 CHAPTER 6 HARDWARE IMPLIMENTATION ON NI ELVIS 6. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION ON NI ELVIS The SMPS circuit designed in NI MULTSIM was further implemented in hardware using NI ELVIS as the suitable platform for circuit implementation and testing. 6.1 Component Used 6.1.2 Diode 1N4007 bridge Rectifier 6.1.3 BS 170 MOSFET Switch 6.1.4 Radio Transformer Isolation Transformer 6.1.5 Diode 1N4148 High frequency rectifier 6.1.6 555 Timer Square wave Generation 6.1.7 TLO6021 OPAMP Sine wave Generation 6.1.8 LM311 Comparator PWM Switch driver signal 6.1.9 LM 7805CT Voltage Regulator 6.1.1 Step down Transformer 1.6 AMP 12 0 12 configuration Figure 6.1 Figure 6.2 SMPS circuit on NI ELVIS 6.2 Simulation Outputs OPEN LOOP 6.2.1 Stepped Down AC Voltage from Transformer Figure 6.3 Stepped down AC input 6.2.2 Rectified Unregulated DC voltage from (IN4007) Diode Bridge Rectifier Figure 6.4 Rectified Unregulated DC 6.2.3 Output waveform from the Filter capacitor Figure 6.5 Unregulated DC From filter Capacitor 6.2.4 Chopped DC From the MOSFET switch Figure 6.6 Mosfet Chopped DC 6.2.5 Output from High Frequency (40-50 KHz) Transformer taking in chopped DC . This Transformer also Isolates input from output. Figure 6.7 High Frequency Transformer Output 6.2.6 Output from Bridge Rectifier designed from 1N4148 High frequency Diodes. An approximate DC signal Figure 6.8 High frequency Diode Rectifier Output 6.2.7 Final Output of the SMPS An stabilized voltage of 5 V maintained with aid of feedback mechanism and the Voltage Regulator LM7805 Figure 6.9 SMPS Output Feedback Circuit 6.2.8 555 Timer based Square wave generator circuit output 44.4Khz Square wave Signal Figure 6.10 555 Timer Generated Square wave 6.2.9 Sine wave generated from TLO6021 OpAmp based circuit taking as input the square wave generated from 555 Timer based generator circuit. Figure 6.11 Sinewave generated from Opamp TLO6021 6.2.10 The sine wave generated above is compared with the final SMPS Output And a PWM wave is generated to drive the MOSFET switch in a way that the output is regulated back to fixed desired value (5V) if it deviates. Figure 6.12 Feedback PWM Signal CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION CONCLUSION Suitable components were selected and tested for desired performance. Functional verification was performed on combined circuit of the selected components for open loop network both in NI MULTISIM and on NI ELVIS. PWM based feedback network was successfully designed tested and implemented both in NI MULTISIM and in Hardware using NI ELVIS Suite. The Design and implementation of desired SMPS circuit was successfully completed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

gatdream F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - Just Dream It! :: Great Gatsby Essays

The Great Gatsby: Just Dream It! In Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, all the characters are, in one way or another, attempting to achieve a state of happiness in their lives. The main characters are divided into two groups: the rich upper class and the poorer lower class, which struggles to attain a higher position. Though the major players seek only to change their lives for the better, the American Dream is inevitably crushed beneath the harsh reality of life, leaving their lives without meaning or purpose. Tom and Daisy Buchanan, the rich socialite couple, seem to have everything they could possibly desire; however, though their lives are full of material possessions and worldly goods, they are unsatisfied and seek to change. Tom, the arrogant ex-football player, drifts on "forever seeking a little wistfully for the dramatic turbulence of some irrecoverable football game"(pg. 10) and reads "deep books with long words in them"(pg. 17) in order to have something to talk about. Though he appears happily married to Daisy, Tom has an affair with Myrtle Wilson and keeps an apartment with her in New York. Tom's basic nature of unrest prevents him from being satisfied with the life he leads, and so he creates another life for himself with Myrtle. Daisy Buchanan is an empty character, someone with hardly any convictions or desires. Even before her loyalty to either Tom or Gatsby is called into question, Daisy does nothing but sit around all day and wonder what to do with herself and her friend Jordan. She knows that Tom has a mistress on the side, yet she doesn't leave him even when she learns of Gatsby's love for her. Daisy makes her love to Gatsby apparent, yet cannot bring herself to tell Tom goodbye except when Gatsby forces her too. Even then, once Tom begs her to stay, even then Daisy ultimately leaves Gatsby for a life of comfort and security. The Buchanans are the ultimate examples of wealth and prosperity, and the American Dream. Yet their lives are empty, unfulfilled, and without purpose. Though Myrtle Wilson makes an attempt to escape her own class and pursue happiness with the richer set, her efforts ultimately produce no results and she dies. She is basically a victim of the group she wanted to join. Myrtle tries to join Tom's class by entering into an affair with him and taking on his way of living, but in doing so she becomes corrupt as if she were rich.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mental Models About a Person’s World Essay

INTRODUCTION: Meeting a person for the first time, can either be a positive or negative experience and the way someone interacts with this person can also show both positive and negative behaviours. So the question is, how can mental models about a person’s world, both aid them and also limit their perceptions when meeting a person for the first time. Through exploring how and why these perceptions can be assisted and limited, we can start to question the reasoning behind our mental models. MENTAL MODELS Throughout the years, academic literature has defined a mental model in many ways, however the best way to understand what a mental model is, is the deeply imbedded ways of thinking or even certain images, that trigger assumptions and generalisations, ultimately affecting the way a person responds too or behaves in the world, be it towards a person or a life situation (Senge 2006). A good example of a mental model is, the generalization that only rich people live in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. This generalisation may be true in some cases, but in other cases, other people may live there because they have lived their all their lives, and so, we can see this particular generalisation or â€Å"mental model† has not be thought through. Not questioning mental models, can often lead to false generalisations, this situation can also arise when meeting a person for the first time. When meeting a person for the first time, our mental models can help us both understand and ultimately get along with the person or they can limit our perceptions, meaning we make assumptions or generalisations that eventually alter our perceptions about this person or how we act towards them. Very often, we see that we are not consciously aware of our mental models and the affects that they can have on our behaviour (Chermack 2003), this in turn, restricts our perceptions. Mental models are often vague, incomplete and imprecisely expressed (Karp 2005) however, once believed, mental models are extremely difficult to change (Chermack 2003). This is highly due to the  fact that people are unaware of their own mental models, and the only way for a person to change their mental model, is for them to acknowledge that they have one to start with. Mental models can be useful as they can help us to process information and make decisions quickly (Unknown 1997) and they can also be imperative foundations for building knowledge about the world we live in (Karp 2005). For instance, when an individual has a mental model that all take away food is bad for their health and wellbeing, when given the option of either having take away food or a healthy meal at home, the individuals mental model will therefore lead them to quickly decide to eat a healthy meal at home. However, very strong mental models can hinder active thinking and the acceptance of new ideas (Unknown 1997), and often arise problems when they are tacit, meaning that they are below the level of awareness (Senge 1992). Using the example of the Detroit auto maker, not recognising that they had the mental model that all that customers cared about was styling, believing that â€Å"all people care about is styling†, evidently shows us that their mental model had become tacit. This mental model continued to be unexamined, and because this mental model remained unexamined, the model remained unchanged, and thus as the world changed the gap grew between the mental model of this Detroit automaker and the world (Senge 1992). Clearly, mental models can perform as filters that screen incoming information that come to us, limiting our ways of thinking and also our perceptions (Unknown 1997). An individual’s mental model represents their view on the world, it also provides them with the context in which they view and interpret new material and also new people in which they meet for the first time (Kim 1993). It not only helps us to make sense of what is going on around us, but it can also restrict our understanding of a certain situation. For example, when someone has been labeled as not a nice person, with never questioning the validity of it, people create a mental model that, that person is not nice, and so when they do or say something nice it goes unnoticed, and therefore, the behaviour does not fit with the mental model people have towards this  certain individual. These untested assumptions or mental models can eventually cause conflict and misunderstandings between people. Developing skills in reflection and inquiry can aid us in realising our mental models and also with dealing with others. When we use skills of reflection we slow down our ways of thinking and acknowledge how our mental models are formed and how they affect our behaviour. Where as skills of inquiry, is concerned with how we operate in face-to-face situations with others, especially when we are dealing with complex and conflictual issues (Senge 2006). Together with the tools and methods used to develop these skills these constitute the core of the discipline of mental models, which consists of; the distinctions between espoused theories and theories-in-use, recognising â€Å"leaps of abstraction†, exposing the â€Å"left-hand column† and balancing inquiry and advocacy (Senge 2006). When an individual says that they value or desire something, that is known as espoused theory, however, what they actually say or do, is known as theories-in-use (Bocham 2010). Acknowledging the gaps between what we say and what we do, can be seen as an effective reflective skill in becoming more aware of our mental models. Someone may profess their view (espoused theory) that people generally are trustworthy, but their actions (theories-in-use) show differently, as they never lend out money and keep their possessions to themselves (Senge 2006). As evident in the example above, there is a gap between the individual’s espoused theory and their theory-in-use. By recognising the gap between espoused theory and the theory-in-use, learning can occur, as we as individuals question whether or not we really value our espoused theory (Senge 2006). When we meet a person for the first time, we can quickly jump into generalisations as we never think to question them. For example, when we meet a person and they say that they are a doctor, we automatically assume that they are smart, as it is a generalization that all doctors are smart we never seem to question this mental model. These are known as â€Å"leaps of abstraction†. â€Å"Leaps of abstraction† occur when we move from direct observations to generalisations without questioning them, this ultimately  impedes learning because it becomes axiomatic, as what was once an assumption is now treated as a fact (Senge 2006). Therefore, this becomes another limitation, in which mental models can have on our perceptions when we meet people for the first time. However, these â€Å"leaps of abstraction† can easily be identified when people ask what their generalisation is based-on and whether or not the generalisation is inaccurate or misleading (Senge 2006) Senge (2006) identifies the â€Å"left-hand column† as a powerful technique whereby individuals begin to see how their mental models operate in differing situations. This exercise can show individuals that they indeed have mental models and show them how those models play an active part in sometimes negative interactions with people, not only do these people become aware of their mental models, but they begin to acknowledge why dealing with these assumptions is imperative (Senge 2006). In order for good communication between individuals to arise, people need to recognise that in order for the communication process to be effective, mental models must be managed properly, this is done by balancing advocacy and inquiry (Peggy & Bronn 2003). Advocacy is the process of communicating an individual’s ways of thinking and reasoning in a manner that makes it clear for others (Peggy & Bronn 2003). When there is advocacy without inquiry, it only leads to more advocacy, and therefore leads to two individuals stating their ways of reasoning and thinking, they both are keen to here the others views, but do not inquire into what they are saying because they believe that what they are saying is ultimately the best way of thinking. A way to tackle this, is through the process of inquiry. Inquiry engages two individuals into the communication process in a joint learning process (Peggy & Bronn 2003). Here the objective is to understand the reasoning and thinking of the other individual, this can be done by asking them questions in order for them to determine the origin for their conclusions and statements (Peggy & Bronn 2003). Individuals can do this by asking questions such as; â€Å"What is it that leads you to that position?† and â€Å"can you illustrate your point for me?† (Senge 2006). Thus, it is evident  that grasping the skill of balancing advocacy and inquiry, is highly advantageous in interacting with other individuals, especially those you meet for the first time. CONCLUSION: Therefore, it is imperative and highly advantageous for us to question our mental models in everyday situations, such as meeting people for the first time, as it will deter us from automatically making assumptions and making generalisations. Through acknowledging ‘leaps of abstraction†, using the â€Å"left-hand column† technique and also personally mastering the skill of balancing advocacy and inquiry, we can learn to question these mental models, and thus questioning whether or not they really do hold their value in our world. Thus, when we meet a person for the first time, before we make assumptions and generalisations, we may need to recognise our imbedded mental models and learn to question them, therefore aiding the process of communication to be a positive experience. REFERENCE LIST: Bochman, DJ & Kroth, M. 2010, â€Å"Immunity to transformational learning and change†, _The Learning Organization,_ vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 328-342. Chermack, TJ 2003, â€Å"Mental models in decision making and implications for human resource development†, _Advances in Developing Human Resources,_ vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 408-422. Karp, T 2005, â€Å"Unpacking the Mysteries of Change: Mental Modelling†, _Journal of Change Management,_ vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 87-96. Kim, DH 1993, â€Å"The Link Between Individual and Organizational Learning†, _Sloan management review,_ vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 37-37. Peggy, SB & Bronn, C 2003, â€Å"A reflective stakeholder approach: Co-orientation as a basis for communication learning†, _Journal of Communication Management,_ vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 291-303. Senge, P 2006, â€Å"Mental Models†, _The fifth discipline: the art and practice of learning organizations,_ rev. edn, Doubleday, New York, pp. 163-190. Senge, PM 1992, â€Å"Mental Models†, _Planning Review,_ vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 4-4. Unknown 1997, â€Å"What are Mental Models?†, _Sloan management review,_ vol. 38, no. 3, p. 13.