Friday, November 1, 2019

Global Warming Melts from View Now That Economys on Ice Essay

Global Warming Melts from View Now That Economys on Ice - Essay Example This article was big on words and figures and speech but lack the hard proof to substantiate its claims. The author started his article with the sentence â€Å" GIVEN that we, at least everybody with a government-guaranteed bank account, are all socialists now, everybody understands how cruelly incompetent capitalism is.† Most words used in this sentence have depreciatory ring to them and the object of the criticism is capitalism. The author, in this first sentence, created these antithetical ideas of socialism and capitalism and instantly attributing to the latter dire qualities. He referred to it as â€Å"cruel† and â€Å"incompetent† while at the same time calling Australians socialists, which is of course, a hyperbole because having some people own a government-guaranteed bank account, do not constitute a country into a socialist one. The idea is perhaps, to picture capitalism and the Australian people as poles apart creating a nemesis effect.

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