Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Questions 7 & 8 psychosocial dev Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questions 7 & 8 psychosocial dev - Essay Example â€Å"Observations of physical development reveal that growth is cephalocaudal (it proceeds from head to tail) and proximodistal (it proceeds from the center of the body outward) and that gross motor movements are developed before fine motor movements. Control of head and arm muscles is achieved before control of leg muscles. Similarly, children are able to control the muscles of their arms before they can control the fine muscles in their hands that are needed for tasks such as writing and cutting with scissors.† (Brewer, 2001, p13). This explains why a human first masters balancing his head and back before learning to stand and walk, and why younger children move their arms clumsily when attempting to paint until they master the skill of holding a brush or a pen properly and exerting enough pressure to write some strokes. The â€Å"Initiative vs. Guilt† stage of Erikson’s Psychosocial development usually happens during the preschool years of ages 3-6. At this age, the basic task is to gain competence and initiative. The child has a boundless supply of energy which permits him to learn all kinds of activities and ideas quickly and avidly. In discovering that he is capable of doing many things, he gets to attempt a lot of tasks that he may not be ready for. In the event that he fails in such tasks, he may become overwhelmed by resignation, guilt and anxiety. The preschool age is characterized by enthusiasm at proving one’s competencies by initiating or volunteering for tasks. The child is out to pursue evidences that he or she is already a â€Å"big† boy or girl and no longer a helpless baby. However, the reality that his youth brings many limitations to his abilities that need more time and practice to be honed, usually sets in and may cause him frustration and guilt at failing. If he is not able to deal with the frustration properly, then he may defer from taking

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