Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Effects of Globalization in Turkey - 1009 Words

Turkey Culture People all over the world are seeing and feeling the effects of globalization in their day to day lives. Rapid development in technology and high speed communication has made the technology change harder for some developing countries to cope with. Turkey is one of the many countries that is taking this change the hardest, especially in the last 20 years, as a result of mayhem they have been enduring. Turkey has been experiencing all of this instability more severely than any other European country. Here, I will evaluate the recent advances in Turkey, as well as the effects globalization has had on them, and argue the adverse effect globalizations has on Turkey. Economic globalization in Turkey is weakening the authority. The Turkish debate the concept that national development is an issue. By creating a â€Å"borderless global marketplace† (Turkey, 2013), it creates a rise to local reactions, which are carving the way to different modernity’s as well as cultural identity claims (2013). In order to analyze the interactions of the global and the local, one must visualize a democratically changed world. In the last decade, the Turkish have taken on many changes socially, economically and politically. Politically, Turkey has encountered many fundamental changes. â€Å"Political Islam† has become one of the key elements in defining of the Turkish politics. This was also the start of the period that is now branded by polarization between secularism and Islamic traditionalismShow MoreRelated Global Opportunities for Turkey Essay1583 Words   |  7 PagesOpportunities for Turkey The world is becoming much more connected, especially in the last few decades. The idea of being free individuals has become more important, as well as free market economies. 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