Sunday, May 24, 2020

Global Trends in the Environment Essay - 945 Words

The environment of planet Earth is being harmed and the causes of environmental degradation are mostly man made. Natural resources are being exploited to provide energy, food, and technology for an ever-growing global population. In the process, the globe is warming at an unprecedented rate, water and air are being polluted, and forests are being destroyed; however, awareness and education are encouraging the search for environmental first aid. The climate change occurring now, which affects every continent and ocean, has both human and natural causes. Developing land to support human activities, harvesting forests, and burning fossil fuels are human contributions to the problem; while volcanic activity, intensity of the Sun,†¦show more content†¦Normally, natural processes and rain would clean the air, but the pollution is so great that natural processes can no longer keep air quality at an acceptable level. Air pollution can have significant health consequences includi ng lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease. Earth’s clean water supply is provided by a cycle of evaporation and rain, but the population explosion created such huge amounts of garbage and industrial waste being dumped into lakes and oceans that the natural cleaning process can not keep up, much like natural air cleaning. Organic waste is also a contributing factor in water pollution. In small amounts, waterborne bacteria break down organic waste but breaking down large quantities of waste uses up the oxygen in the water causing the death of fish and other organisms. Water pollutants such as mercury, arsenic, and pesticides can be passed to humans through the food chain (Coleman and Kerbo, 2009). Currently, about 30 percent of the world’s land area is covered by forests, but every year parcels the size of Panama are lost. At the current rate of deforestation, in one hundred years the rainforests will completely disappear. The major reason for deforestation is t o provide land for agricultural use. Other reasons are to provide wood, material for paper products, to accommodate urban sprawl, and to build roads. ForestsShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Globalization On The Global Business Environment And The Expected Future Trends1493 Words   |  6 Pagesachieve success in the global economy while supporting increasing wages and high living standards for the average citizen (HBS U.S Competitiveness Project, 2015). In short, competitiveness is a shared prosperity that firms win and citizens thrive. US competitiveness ranking experienced a fluctuation during the period of 2008 to 2015. 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