Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Communication barriers between Ghana and Chinese culture Essay Example

Communication barriers between Ghana and Chinese culture Essay Introduction According to many studies, cross-cultural problems have been some of the most integral and persistent issues that have influenced communications between various cultures. Due to the differences in culture of people, communication is usually proving to be hard and thus not effective. Communication barriers, therefore, are manifest and renders communication between two cultures difficult. Culture is the way we view the world and the set of beliefs by certain people (Varner Beamer, 1995). Various barriers hinder communication between the two cultures-Ghana and Chinese. This research paper seeks to analyze three examples of the barriers from the perspective of cross-cultural communication theory. If ineffective communication occurs between different cultures, it is based on the fact that the communicators dont acknowledge the values of the different cultures. Cross-Cultural Communication theory We will write a custom essay sample on Communication barriers between Ghana and Chinese culture specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Communication barriers between Ghana and Chinese culture specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Communication barriers between Ghana and Chinese culture specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This theory essentially posits an understanding of how various people from different cultural backgrounds speak, convey information and perceive everything in their environs (Balsmeier Heck, 1994). Cross-Cultural Communication in this context refers to the communication between Chinese and Ghana (Varner Beamer, 1995). This theory is based on the value differences among cultures. The examples of communication barriers between Ghana and Chinese culture are inclusive of but not limited to Language differences, non-verbal misinterpretation, preconceptions and misunderstandings, high anxiety, assumptions of the similarities, discrimination, ethnocentrism, tone differences (Balsmeier Heck, 1994). Language barrier To begin with, language is one of the obvious hindrances to intercultural communications yet maybe not the most integral. Individuals who dont share a language or who feel that they have a poor command of someone elses dialect might have some troubles communicating and imparting. There is likewise the likelihood of false impressions happening between individuals when they dont share a typical dialect. However sharing a common dialect does not ensure understanding. Indeed, even speakers of the same dialect dont have the very same comprehension of the implications and meanings of words (Patel, Li Sooknanan, 2011). Moreover, a Chinese and a Ghanaian would have problems in communicating. The two individuals speak entirely different languages. Various ways in which dialect can be an obstruction to intercultural communications are also the problems of vocabulary, idiomatic, experimental and conceptual equivalences. The absence of vocabulary equivalence happens at the point when there are not words in one dialect that relate precisely to the meaning and importance of words in another language. It happens mainly with particular or extremely illustrative words. Take for instance when a letter written in by a Ghanaian in English to be translated into Chinese with a sentence that reads I wonder if you will set an agenda and a meeting date for our meeting. In this case the word wonder is used as a courteous method of requesting for information from the Chinese on the agenda of the meeting and meeting date, when translated into Chinese it means an entirely different things. It means doubt. When translate d it waters down the courtesy (Patel, Li Sooknanan, 2011). The sentence would thus read I doubt if you will set an agenda and meeting date for our meeting. For this situation, a sentence that means well can result in a great conflict due to the offensive meaning (Phipps, 2013). In several cases, when a Ghanaian speaker communicates in English to a Chinese and uses idiomatic expressions it causes confusion. Even though English is not a native language for both, one individual may be well informed with the idiomatic expressions like a native speaker. Take, for instance, when one says kick the bucket, it means to die. In some cases, it may cause confusion when one of the individuals who comprehend its meaning uses it to express death to the other person who doesnt understand its meaning (Phipps, 2013). Another issue is that of experiential equivalence as mentioned earlier. There are experiences that exist in Chinese culture that do not exist in one Ghanaian culture. This makes them hard to interpret into the dialect of Ghana. For example, the Chinese idea of guanxi has no exact English equivalent in spite of the fact that it has connotations that can be communicated in English words, for example, relationship, association, commitment and reliance (Large, 1983). Conceptual equivalence, on the other hand, becomes a setback for communication if notions or concepts are not well comprehended in similar ways in various cultures. Ghanaians have different concepts of some fundamental and contemporary issues in a way that may appear to be quite divergent as compared to how the Chinese understand the same (Large, 1983). Nonverbal Communication This entails communication without the use of the word by mouth, and it sometimes goes hand in hand with verbal communications to reinforce the meaning of the spoken word. Nonverbal correspondence can be an obstruction to intercultural correspondence between a Chinese and a Ghanaian (Olshin, 2006). Nonverbal communications mostly entail correspondence without words. Messages are sent through motions, gestures, eye contact, and assumptions in regards to time among others. These types of communications can be misinterpreted in most cases. Non-verbal is used in various ways in the two cultures to communicate. Similarly, there is a close similarity of their uses in the two cultures in question. In the Ghana context, most of the non-verbal styles are used to send messages that may be uncomfortable to speak. On the other side, it may be disrespectful to do the same in the Chinese culture. It, therefore, presents the state of confusion for the two to speak in nonverbal skills (Kelley, 1975). Gestures and eye contact have powerful meanings in both cultures. Additionally, there are differences of interpretation of deep indulgence in eye contact by the two cultures. In Ghana, it is a sigh of respect while in Chinese context it may render one restless as it may not be a sign of courtesy. This is a major setback for the two cultures as far as communication is concerned. Silence also has a difference in meaning in the two cultures, and this is a setback for cross-cultural communications (Kelley, 1975). For the Chinese, silence in a conversation means a lot of respect especially if it is from a younger person to an elderly while in Ghana it means shyness and maybe inadequate interest in the conversation. It is another element of cross-cultural communication barrier as the theory stipulates. Another aspect of non-verbal in cross-cultural communication barrier is the touch element. In Chinese culture, it is believed that strangers are not to be greeted and touched, while it is pointless in Ghana. Ethnocentrism It is very normal for one brought up in Ghana to have the values of the community he or she is brought up in, likewise to one brought up in China. It is because of the way the two individuals brought up in these cultures interact and learn from them. Ethnocentrism is the belief of one in his or her culture. It is the sense of focusing on ones own culture in everything one pursues. It is clearly a setback in cross-cultural communications since it offers the basis of one judging other cultures and rendering them to be inferior (Bi et al., 2012). Chinese would have difficulty and challenges in communicating with a Ghanaian if both parties do not have a sense of cross-cultural tolerance towards each other. For example, a Chinese working in Ghana would feel inferior if a Ghanaian looks down upon him (Olshin, 2006). Ethnocentrism, in this case, promotes superiority in the Ghanaian who believes that his culture is superior to the Chinese culture.;This kind of attitude in the Ghanaian affects cross-cultural communication between the Ghanaian and the Chinese (Bi et al., 2012). Strategies on How to Overcome Barriers to Intercultural Communication Today, the world is acknowledged to have become a global village where people communicate from time to time and from place to place irrespective of their location. Also, due to technological advancement, many people from different walks of life have had the opportunity to move from one location to another. The Chinese have been to Ghana due to work related reasons and other reasons. Similar, to Ghanaians, who have found their way to China for one reason or another. As this takes place, the challenges and issues of dealing with cultural differences and utilizing the potential advantages of the diversities become immense. The differences that exist across various cultures have a significant impact on the intercultural communications. It is, therefore, prudent to put strategies that would help reduce and or eliminate the intercultural barriers to communications. Overcoming Language Barrier Speaking slowly and clearly is a way to overcome the language barrier. It entails pronouncing words clearly and profoundly to a party whose first language is not necessarily English. It is advisable to limit loudness in speaking as this merely implies rudeness in most of the cultures like the mentioned above. Speaking in plain language without the use of idiomatic expressions would also help a great deal in making communications clear and precise. Using simple words and avoiding unnecessary information: In this situation, one should use short, simple sentences to disseminate information. Using lengthy explanations usually makes intercultural communication difficult. It even makes it more complicated to use hard, and unnecessary difficult words to explain things. It is also a good strategy to check the meaning of words before using them. It is not prudent to assume the meaning of certain words without considering the context of the other culture. Practicing Active listening This is a proven effective strategy for improving cross-cultural communication.;It is a technique that entails restating the other speakers sentiments to ensure that one grasp and understand their meaning and also, asking regular questions. This method facilitates cross-cultural communication by ensuring that necessary information is understood too. Paying attention to Cultural assumptions If a person travels to a foreign nation, it is quite challenging to cope with the differences that exist in the nonverbal and verbal communications. It is, therefore, advised that when conversing with someone from another culture, one should avoid slang, jokes and or references that could be confusing and misleading to a non-local speaker. Exercising Patience Quite often than not, Cross-cultural communication takes more time. It is the fact that communicating with a person from the same culture takes less time as compared to communicating with someone from a different culture. It is, therefore, of great help to each other when patience is employed while trying to achieve communication with a person from a different culture. Opting for Courteous formality when in doubt. This is the technique and strategy of adopting a polite language when not sure or confident of what to tell a foreigner. Take, for instance, The North American English speakers usually employ an unconventional tactic to talks, especially when they are in talks with a total stranger or addressing new acquaintance. The technique may be off-putting to a person who is from some other cultural setting. To guarantee that youre passing on a proper level of respect, utilize a more formal method of talking and slowly downsize the degree of a convention as the relationship develops. Avoiding Stereotypes For a successful cross-cultural communication, one needs to seek beyond ones background misconception and stereotypes. Stereotypes are usually common among various cultures; they have no grounds and no categorical basis in truth. Making assumptions and general stereotypes only serve to create distrust and create a barrier between the individuals from different cultural backgrounds thus affecting communications. It is noble to treat each and every person with dignity and in equal measure rather than just mere generalizations. Understanding of other peoples values, norms, beliefs free from a prejudicial point of view is fundamental in this essence. Conclusion Ghana and China have different cultural backgrounds. It is these differences in cultural backgrounds that render the two cultures quite different (Olshin, 2006). Communication between two individuals from these two cultures as depicted in this research indicates that there exist various barriers that hinder effective correspondence. These barriers, as seen, are due to the differences as perceived by each from a particular culture. However, several strategies exist that can be put in place to curb and or reduce these barriers to manageable levels as discussed in this research paper above. Cross-cultural communication barriers are thus tackled successfully to achieve a mutual benefit between individuals from different cultural backgrounds. References Balsmeier, P., Heck, A. (1994). Crosscultural Communication. Cross Cultural Management, 1(2), 13-21. Bi, X., Gunessee, S., Hoffmann, R., Hui, W., Larner, J., Ma, Q., Thompson, F. (2012). Chinese consumer ethnocentrism: A field experiment. Journal Of Consumer Behaviour, 11(3), 252-263. Kelley, M. (1975). Non-Verbal and Verbal Communication. The English Journal, 64(1), 72. Large, J. (1983). The foreign-language barrier. London: A. Deutsch. Olshin, B. (2006). Debating the authentic: an outsiders view of West African culture in Ghana. Journal Of Philosophy And Culture, 1(2). http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jpc.v1i2.36449 Patel, F., Li, M., ; Sooknanan, P. (2011). Intercultural communication. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. Phipps, A. (2013). Intercultural ethics: questions of methods in language and intercultural communication. Language And Intercultural Communication, 13(1), 10-26. Varner, I., ; Beamer, L. (1995). Intercultural communication in the global workplace. Chicago: Irwin.

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